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  • In today’s edition we discuss Americans "spaving", Scarlett Johansson says no to Sam Altman’s OpenAI, Sir Paul McCartney becomes a billionaire, Shaun White selling his LA pad, and Netflix and Chill On Christmas day with the NFL.

In today’s edition we discuss Americans "spaving", Scarlett Johansson says no to Sam Altman’s OpenAI, Sir Paul McCartney becomes a billionaire, Shaun White selling his LA pad, and Netflix and Chill On Christmas day with the NFL.

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A few weeks ago now we introduced our newly redesigned newsletter, then last week I asked you in a poll what you thought of the newly redesigned newsletter, and ya’ll didn’t hold back.

68 people, or 45.8% of voters, responded “You redesigned the newsletter? I didn't notice”, which would hurt my feelings but I made the poll and kinda knew deep down inside that would be the most popular response.

58 people responded “Yes, it looks a lot more professional and is easier on the eyes”, while 23 people responded “No! I hate change. Bring back the old boring newsletter design” - which sorry to deliver the bad news but the newly redesigned newsletter is here to stay!

Last week’s newsletter set a new record for us, with an open rate of 33.1%, or 519 subscribers opening the email.

I am beside myself with how this newsletter has grown, and I hope ya’ll continue to enjoy the content I bring you each week. Now onto this week’s newsletter.


Pete Davidson & Colin Jost Bought The Old Staten Island Ferry

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Americans are perfecting the art of "spaving"

"Spaving" is the latest economics term to describe how people are spending more to "save" more, proving that marketing tactics are working brilliantly. This financial genius powermove involves falling for limited-time deals and buy-one-get-one-free offers, which leads to stockpiling unnecessary items and racking up high-interest credit card debt. The irony is palpable: trying to save a few bucks results in spending way more than intended. This can literally only happen in the United States, where consumers are too greedy to pass up a “good deal”.

Experts suggest novel ideas like unsubscribing from store newsletters, deleting shopping apps, and paying with cash to combat this phenomenon. Because who would have thought that not receiving constant sales alerts might actually curb spending? Other groundbreaking strategies include calculating the actual savings from those irresistible deals and creating "shopping hurdles" by removing saved payment methods from online stores.

For the truly enlightened, there's the suggestion to sleep on purchase decisions for 24 hours. This might prevent those regrettable buys that seemed like a steal at 2 AM (like buying a pink snuggie for your wife who’s the last person to be caught dead wearing such a thing, but it seemed like a good idea at the time), but it turns out it’s just more clutter. Ultimately, the key to avoiding “spaving” is simple: think before you buy and resist the lure of sales that are designed to part you from your hard-earned money.

So, next time you're tempted by a deal that seems too good to pass up, remember that saving by spending is a trap. Instead, focus on what you truly need and let your wallet breathe a sigh of relief.


Sam Altman’s OpenAI has met its match with Scarlett Johansson

Oh, the drama when Hollywood meets Silicon Valley! Just when you thought the world of artificial intelligence couldn't get more thrilling, along comes Scarlett Johansson, starring in the latest episode of "Celebrities vs. Tech Giants." Our protagonist, Scarlett Johansson, is fuming over what she sees as the great voice heist of the 21st century. The villain? None other than the tech whiz behind OpenAI, Sam Altman.

Let's dive into this riveting tale made for Hollywood. Scarlett Johansson, an actress known for her many talents and unique voice, has suddenly found herself embroiled in a tech scandal. According to Scarlett Johansson, OpenAI has daringly pilfered her voice to create a ChatGPT model, presumably because there's nothing more lifelike than a slightly annoyed Scarlett Johansson bot ready to answer your deepest, darkest questions about the Marvel Cinematic Universe.

But why would OpenAI want to use Scarlett Johansson’s voice for their new OpenAI voice model? Hmmm, could it have anything to do with Scarlett Johansson’s role as the voice of Samantha, an advanced artificial intelligence operating system, in the 2013 film "Her"?!?!

The film “Her” is set in a near-future Los Angeles and centers around Theodore Twombly, played by Joaquin Phoenix, who’s a lonely, introverted man who develops a deep emotional and romantic relationship with his AI assistant Samantha. Scarlett Johansson's performance, although entirely vocal, is pivotal in bringing Samantha to life. Her voice conveys warmth, curiosity, and evolving emotions, making the AI seem remarkably human. As Samantha and Theodore grow closer, they explore complex themes of love, identity, and the nature of consciousness. Scarlett Johansson's portrayal was crucial in making Samantha a believable and emotionally resonant character, despite her lack of physical presence in the film.

Flashback to present day, and Scarlett Johansson isn’t holding back her fury, describing her reaction in interviews as one of shock and dismay upon discovering that her voice had been "ripped off." OpenAI, clearly aiming for authenticity in their AI interactions, apparently decided that Scarlett Johansson's sultry voice was a perfect fit for their latest AI voice model. Because, after all, when you're asking an AI for the weather, you definitely want to feel like you're in a smoky New York jazz bar chatting with an A-list celebrity.

In a stunning twist, Sam Altman, the ever-so-apologetic CEO of OpenAI, extended a gracious offer to Scarlett Johansson: a chance to collaborate and, presumably, get paid for it. But Scarlett Johansson, standing firm in her principles and undoubtedly tired of tech moguls trying to buy their way out of trouble, declined. Instead, she’s taking the high road, possibly with her lawyers in tow, because what's a celebrity scandal without a potential courtroom drama?

Sam Altman, in his infinite wisdom, must have thought this offer was a generous peace offering. Perhaps he envisioned Johansson jumping at the chance to lend her voice to AI on her own terms. But alas, Scarlett is not so easily appeased. She seems to believe that merely asking for forgiveness and offering a collaboration deal does not erase the blatant appropriation of her vocal essence. Go figure!

Meanwhile, OpenAI continues to bask in the glory of their cutting-edge technology, perhaps hoping that this PR blip will blow over faster than you can say "AI ethics." The company, known for its innovation and occasional disregard for personal boundaries, is no stranger to controversy. But with Scarlett Johansson, they might have met their match.


Sir Paul McCartney becomes a billionaire

In a world where legends are timeless, Sir Paul McCartney continues to reign supreme! At a ripe 81 years old, the maestro of melodies has hit an astronomical milestone that's sending shockwaves through the music universe. As a die-hard Beatles fan, it's a moment of sheer ecstasy to witness Sir Paul McCartney's net worth soar to a mind-boggling $1 billion dollars for the first time ever! 

Imagine the euphoria pulsating through the hearts of Beatlemaniacs worldwide! From "Love Me Do" to "Hey Jude," Paul McCartney's genius has been the bedrock of our musical pilgrimage. His journey from the streets of Liverpool to the pinnacles of stardom is a testament to relentless passion and unmatched talent. And now he’s the UK’s first musician to join the ranks of billionaire status.

But it's not just about the wealth; it's about the validation of a lifetime's dedication. Every chord struck, every lyric penned, echoes in the halls of history.

Paul McCartney's legacy transcends generations, uniting fans young and old under the banner of timeless artistry. And now, as he basks in the glow of his billion-dollar milestone, fans around the world are standing a little taller, prouder, and more inspired than ever before.

Paul McCartney's wealth didn’t just soar to an astounding $1 billion dollars overnight. His fortune is the culmination of a multifaceted career spanning over six decades, characterized by unparalleled success and innovation in the music industry.

Paul McCartney's journey to riches began with The Beatles, the iconic band that revolutionized popular music. As one of the principal songwriters and bassist of the group, Paul McCartney played a pivotal role in shaping their groundbreaking sound and contributing to an extensive catalog of timeless hits.

Following the dissolution of The Beatles in 1970, Paul McCartney embarked on a solo career that further solidified his status as a musical luminary. His albums, including "McCartney," "Band on the Run," and "Flowers in the Dirt," showcased his versatility as a songwriter and performer, earning critical acclaim and commercial success.

In addition to those endeavors, Paul McCartney's collaborations with other artists and ventures into film, literature, and philanthropy have diversified his portfolio and contributed to his financial prosperity. He has also remained active in touring, consistently drawing large crowds and generating significant revenue from ticket sales and merchandise.

Paul McCartney's astute business acumen and savvy investments have bolstered his wealth over the years. From music publishing rights to real estate ventures, he has demonstrated a keen ability to capitalize on opportunities and maximize returns.

Paul McCartney remains as prolific and passionate about music as ever, continuing to work on various projects across different mediums. In recent years, he has released new albums, collaborated with other artists, and embarked on world tours.

One of Paul McCartney's notable endeavors is his ongoing exploration of his musical roots and experimentation with different genres. He has released albums that showcase his versatility as a musician, blending rock, pop, classical, and experimental elements. Paul McCartney has also revisited his past by reimagining classic Beatles songs and reflecting on his life and career through intimate and introspective lyrics.

In addition to his solo work, Paul McCartney has collaborated with contemporary artists, contributing vocals, guitar, and songwriting to their projects. These collaborations not only highlight his enduring relevance but also allow him to connect with younger audiences and explore new sonic landscapes.

Furthermore, Paul McCartney remains active in live performance, delighting fans around the world with his electrifying concerts. Whether performing solo or with his band, he continues to captivate audiences with his timeless hits, infectious energy, and unparalleled stage presence.

Beyond music, Paul McCartney is also involved in various philanthropic endeavors, advocating for causes such as animal rights, environmental conservation, and music education.

Overall, Paul McCartney's billion-dollar fortune is a testament to his enduring influence, creativity, and entrepreneurial spirit. As one of the most iconic figures in music history, he continues to inspire generations of artists and fans while leaving an indelible mark on the global cultural landscape.


The Flying Tomato is ditching his LA pad

Shaun White is ditching his LA pad, throwing it up for grabs, either to buy for $5 million dollars or rent for $17,000 dollars a month, and is looking for a new crib to call home. Yeah, you heard it right, this snowboarding icon is swapping his steezy mansion for... who knows what? Maybe a chalet in the Alps? 

If you're in the market for a pad that screams "I'm cooler than an ice-cold halfpipe," Shaun White's place might just be your ticket.

But hold up, the deets on this place are more twisted than a double cork 1440. This mansion, nestled in the heart of LA, is the epitome of radness, featuring all the bells and whistles you'd expect from a dude who shreds the slopes for a living. Think luxurious amenities, jaw-dropping views, and enough space to fit a whole snowboard team.

Now, here's the kicker: Mr. White is asking for some serious cash to shred this property.

Be prepared to drop some serious coin and maybe even sign a waiver, 'cause this listing is not for the faint of heart. And if buying ain't your style, no worries, you can rent it out and pretend you're living the high life, just like Shaun White. 

Luckily, this isn’t Shaun White’s only pad. The legendary snowboarder and Olympic gold medalist, has made some serious moves in the real estate game. His property portfolio is as impressive as his half-pipe skills. Shaun White owns multiple homes across different locations, offering a glimpse into his eclectic taste and luxurious lifestyle.

First up, we have his Los Angeles pad, a sprawling mansion that screams sophistication and style. This luxurious abode boasts all the amenities fit for a snowboarding king, from spacious living areas to state-of-the-art entertainment spaces.

But that's not all. Shaun White also owns a stunning property in Malibu, California. Nestled along the picturesque coastline, this beachfront retreat offers breathtaking views and a serene escape from the hustle and bustle of city life.

And let's not forget about his former home in Park City, Utah. Situated in the heart of ski country, this mountain retreat was the perfect getaway for White to shred some powder and unwind after a day on the slopes.

With properties in prime locations across the country, Shaun White's real estate portfolio is a testament to his success both on and off the snow. Whether he's hitting the slopes or relaxing in one of his luxury homes, it's clear that Shaun White knows how to live the good life.

When Shaun White isn’t expanding his real estate empire, or out snowboarding, he’s active in various projects. While he officially retired from competitive snowboarding after the 2018 Winter Olympics, he has remained involved in the sport and has explored other interests.

One notable venture for Shaun White is his focus on entrepreneurship. He's been involved in various business ventures, including his clothing line "WHT SPACE," which he launched in collaboration with Macy's. This line reflects his personal style and includes a range of apparel and accessories.

He’s also way into the world of music, as he is an accomplished guitarist who performs with his band “Bad Things”.

Shaun White has also shown interest in philanthropy, supporting causes related to youth sports and environmental conservation. His influence extends beyond snowboarding, as he remains a prominent figure in action sports culture and popular culture as a whole.

So wherever Shaun White’s career and hobbies take him, besides snowboarding it seems like real estate is one of his biggest passions in life.


Netflix and Chill on Christmas Day with the NFL

As a massive football fan, I can’t wait for the 2024 NFL season to kick-off (pun intended). I was even pumped to hear Netflix's recent announcement that they will be streaming the NFL’s Christmas day games for the next three years!

I know some people are hating on moving more live sporting events to streaming platforms, but I’m all for it. It marks a significant shift in how we consume sports content, blending the excitement of the game with the convenience of streaming platforms. Netflix's decision to enter the realm of live sports broadcasting opens up new possibilities for fans like me who crave more accessible ways to watch our favorite teams in action.

With this partnership, Netflix subscribers will have the opportunity to stream select NFL games directly from the platform during the holiday season. This means no more scrambling to find a cable subscription or relying on traditional broadcasters to catch the game. Instead, I can simply log into my Netflix account from any device and enjoy the thrill of football right from my living room, or from the bathroom when I’m avoiding family. Aren’t the holidays special!

Moreover, the addition of NFL games to Netflix's lineup adds even more value to the subscription service. As someone who already loves to Netflix-and-chill, having the option to watch live sports further enhances the overall entertainment experience.

This move also reflects the changing landscape of media consumption, as streaming platforms continue to disrupt traditional broadcasting models. As a football fan, I'm excited to see how this partnership evolves and the potential it holds for the future of sports streaming. With Netflix now in the game, the possibilities seem endless, and I can't wait to kick off the new season to start.


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— Chris Thompson

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